Sunday, January 25, 2009

I know it's not a video.... but... still funny

Identical Twins are "identical"? I think not. Notice that Lily & Ruby were both given the same amount of Great Value brand Mixed Veggies. Add a little chicken, and it's a delicious and nutritious dinner! Notice that Lily (on the left) has picked out everything green... leaving the carrots and corn. Ruby (on the right) has picked out everything orange... leaving the greens and the corn. My question is... What's wrong with the corn?!


alanna said...

This is great. My question do you get even one to eat greens. My boys repel all foods green.
Your girls are sooo cute.

Jamie said...

I miss those girls...they are too funny!

Heidi said...

Did they at least eat the chicken? (And you say MY boys are picky!)

The Smiths said...

Oh, Heidi, PLEASE! They don't like certain colors. It has nothing to do with the PARTICLES that may or may not be in it!

And yes, they ate the chicken. And get this... it was HONEY MUSTARD chicken.

No comparison! :)

Chelle said...

Isn't it funny how kids have their preferences, right from the beginning? I always have to laugh when i put ranch dressing or brown sugar on something in the hopes that it will get Siena to eat it, and I'll watch her ever-so-carefully pick off just the ranch or the brown sugar and leave her veggies. Blast!