Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sleep Over Disaster

Nap time is a precious thing at my house. Even if the girls are awake, I still don't get them out of their room till the 2 hrs are up. I call it my quiet time. Well, when I babysat Owen (the boyfriend), it didn't turn out as I had planned.

Daddy made a rule: No boys in the bedroom. I should have listened!


The Johnsons said...

Whose little troublemaker is that? He sure is cute. Thanks again for taking on triplets for me! We owe you one! (or two)

Crystal said...

Oh my! Too cute! I always forget to comments because I have to watch them up on the Mac, and the kids usually follow me in there. I'm sure you can guess what happens next. Yep, disaster. So I am catching up on my comments!

Benjamin said...

Those girls where just plain ol' not ready to take a nap! Silly girls. They're gonna be wild ones . . .