Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ruby's first word!! 8/20/2008

There's no denying it! I got the proof - Ruby said her first word! (It's "baby" by the way) :)

Here's more proof

(She's whispering it a lot in this one)


DiaNe said...

this video is so incredibly precious! I love Aaron's face when he hears Ruby say it. What a cute family!

The Cooking Schaack said...

Oh my gosh how cute!!! KJ this is Alli Meik Schaack. Can we add you on our friends list? I love your little girls. They are growing up so quick.I hope all is wonderful

Crystal said...

So cute! Look at Aaron being a cute dad! I love it!

Joey Shepherd said...

your girls are so freakin' cute! I'm so jealous!